New MS research project at MS & Parkinson’s Canterbury

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Do you have Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

And are you in paid employment?

We are looking for people with MS who are working or have stopped work in the last six months, to participate in a research project exploring the work experience of people with MS.

It is hoped that by exploring this topic we will gain a better understanding of the effect of MS on employment. We also hope to identify ways that may help people with MS to remain in employment.

Participants of this project will be asked to complete an interview with the contact researcher. This interview will take approximately an hour, and will be completed in a location and at a time convenient to
you. The interview will cover topics in relation to your work and how this has been since your diagnosis with MS.

This project is being undertaken as part of the requirements for a Masters in Health Science, through the Rehabilitation Teaching and Research Unit, University of Otago.

Potential participants will need to be available for an interview between June and December 2015.

If you wish to find out further information and obtain a copy of the participant information sheet, please contact:



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Researcher: Rachel Bladon
Department: Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Society Canterbury
Position: Physiotherapist
Contact phone number: 03 3662857
Contact email:
